Thursday, January 28, 2010

A Wintery January Day

The snow is blowing, temperatures are hovering around 10 degrees and it truly feels like winter today.

The shawl is progressing better than I could have hoped for. I am on the bottom lace edge and getting closer and closer to a completed project. I love how it has turned out so far, but I am not sure if I will enter it in the fiber festival. I will continue to think about it.

I am getting ready for the Ravelympics - I have signed on to knit two pairs of socks - one for me and one for Jim. I have sorted out the yarn and I have the pattern ready to go. Only Elizabeth and I have signed up to knit anything for TeamBackRow. She is going to knit a sweater - wow!

I have joined a lace KAL on Ravelry and I have completed the January pattern. I am using store-bought yarn, so it really won't be anything that special. I went as cheap as I could, but still getting decent yarn. If it goes good, I may spin yarn to repeat the pattern at some future date.

I am also starting another lace scarf pattern. I think I will use some of the leftover yarn from my shawl for this, so it will be a lovely ivory cormo in 2-ply yarn.

I am going to get spinning on the yarn for my next feather and fan shawl - it will be from the multi-sheep top from 2009 that Steve and I had done. I have rainbow dyed it with sapphire blue and vermilion, and it is ready to spin. I am planning on a nice random 2-ply yarn.

I am immersed in an upheaval that I am just getting my head around. A disturbing turn of events. Do I feel bad about it? Yes, I do. Will I get over it? Maybe eventually. Sometimes things happen for a reason.

I finished Breaking Dawn today - the last in the four books in the Twilight series. I think I enjoyed this last one the most.

I think now I will go knit for a while.

1 comment:

  1. Time to get a new project going on here don't ya think? :-) Great photo of you by the way!
