Wednesday, March 31, 2010

March - Revisited

March 15 - the Ides of March. Et tu, Brute. Aunt Ede's birthday - she would have been 87 this year. The day I slipped on the stump outside the back door and chipped a bone in my hand.

So now I am typing one handed (well, maybe cheating a little and using my left hand a bit).

The morning started out with a trip to the bank to get my retirement papers notarized and sent in. Also got more nickels for playing cards. Then to McFarlands to return Paula's book (Knit Two - it was good). The to the furniture store right in Allegan to buy a new chair and side table. We got the chair home and were moving my old chair out when I stepped, empty handed, on the wet stump, and WOW! My feet went out from under and I put down my hand to catch myself. I didn't really think it was that bad. So I came in and changed my clothes that had gotten messed up in my fall, and then off we went to Kalamazoo to Best Buy where I bought a new computer (which I am using right now!).

By Tuesday morning (March 16), my hand was swollen and painful, so at the advice of my friend Suzie, off we went to the doctor's office, then to have x-rays, and then the cast.

I am now over two weeks in the cast - no knitting, very little spinning, not doing much of anything. I have read a couple books and have been hiking the trail a fair amount. And we did go down to Char's to see her new sheep when she was taking fiber samples from them.

But the past two weeks have not been all smiles and laughter. I had a few minor meltdowns (Jim threatened to call 911 at one point because I was being irrational). Partly due to problems getting the computer set up and running. I don't know what I would have done without Maria - my personal computer wizard. I count my blessings that she was willing to step right in and help me. That is one of those pay it forward things - she helps me, and in turn, I am called upon by others to help with their computers. I have learned so much from Maria.

Anyway, Jim has been a super-sport in helping me. I can't even get dressed without help. And he is in charge of all household chores. The problem is that I don't feel bad - I just can't do anything.

So my shawl sits waiting. I will be glad to get my cast off. It will be good to get back to normal - whatever that is. I am looking forward to playing cards and dominoes with my grandchildren next week during their spring break. And then the countdown to getting this cast off!

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