Thursday, March 11, 2010


Where did February go?

I can hardly believe that the whole month of February and a good portion of March has gone by since my last post. But February has been exceptionally busy for us, so that must be why it has gone by so fast.

I completed my two pairs of socks for the Ravelympics. It was okay, but not really fun. I couldn't go from one project to a different one while the socks were looming over me with a date to finish. I did finish with several days to spare, but it was not really fun. Just something different to do. Elizabeth finished her sweater - she brought it to Steve's shearing - and she did a very nice job on it. I am still saying, "Wow!"

I have completed the February pattern for the Lace KAL that I am doing. Interesting to do a project that bunches of other people are also doing. I have enjoyed it so far and I am looking forward to getting the March pattern when it comes out on March 14. I was going to do the whole thing again in a different yarn, but now I am reconsidering. I think my time would be better spent working on getting more yarn spun.

I went to three sheep shearings in February. I got Diana's fleece from Char, then I bought 3 Polypay fleeces from Shady Side Farm north of Holland, and last but not least, I bought 5 fleeces from Steve. All but the Polypay are washed and ready to card. The Polypay is going to go out to be processed. I am anxious to get started on the cormo from Char and Steve. Those fleeces washed up better than I had done on cormo before.

As for my shawl - it is off the needles and into the finishing part of the project. I have lots of ends to weave in and then it needs to be blocked. I am already missing the knitting part of it and it makes me want to get started on my 2011 shawl project. But I will finish this one first. It turned out good, but not take-your-breath-away. I will have to decide after it is blocked as to whether it is good enough to enter at the Festival this summer.

1 comment:

  1. Hey... it's time to get an updated photo history of your fantastic products! :-)
